Discover the World and Art of Felice Hrovat

Felice Hrovat Self PortraitFelice Hrovat was born in Trieste, Italy. His passion for expressing himself through art, via paint, brushes and canvas started as a teen in his homeland. Then, in his early twenties, he found himself first in Montreal, Canada, and then later in Southern California. It was there, in California that he really worked to establish his skills while also working as an advertisement artist for over thirty years. Throughout the last fifty years he has been inspired to develop a uniquely distinct style and also approach, utilizing both oils and acrylics as his artistic mediums.

After 30 years in the advertising industry he took his retirement in 1991. Since then he has actually dedicated the majority of his time and focus upon his art, spending the majority of his time at the easel or in his studio, further developing his art and exploring design, color and composition. In 1993, he began conducting oil paint workshops for aspiring artists as well as fellow experienced professionals that shared his interest and style.

His dedication and talent has brought him a number of awards: the People’s Choice Awards, Best of Show Awards from the San Gabriel Art Association and multiple awards in the City of Norco Western Art Show and Sale. He has also done a significant amount of commercial work and commissioned works for private clients.

We feel proud to represent his work and strongly support his vibrant and unique embodiment of the skills, style, feeling and evocation of the classic California master painters. Please enjoy and consider bringing a work, or two, of this fine artist’s work into your home and life.


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